Kirill Gurbanov

Kirill Gurbanov

Kirill is currently a Board Member of “Sistema Bank” and a Managing Partner for the FinTech business of Samolet (MOEX: SMLT), the largest real estate developer in CIS & Europe.
Before Samolet, Kirill was a Chief Digital Officer at MTS Bank — a FinTech company based on a top-20 largest mobile operators in the world MTS (NYSE:MBT).
Prior to MTS, Kirill worked as a Product Director at Sberbank (LSE:SBER) — 3rd largest bank in Europe, and was responsible for mobile apps for SME customers.
In addition to working in financial products, he also founded GetLean (acquired in 2019 by Severstal [LSE:SVST]) — a wellness online coaching programme, and Willz — a 1st Car Subscription service in Russia.
Kirill’s products won different awards including Reddot 2018, CX World Awards 2021 and 2024, and others. He speaks regularly at business and education organizations around Europe and CIS countries.



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